How To Persuade Client To Say Yes (With Examples)

How to persuade people according to science

Feby Sumadewi
4 min readSep 28, 2021

For over 60 years, researchers have been studying the factors that persuade us to say YES! The result from the study states that there’s a science of how can someone be persuade

When making a decision, we would likely to consider all the available information. We use the information to guide our thinking. But, the reality is often different. To guide our decision-making, we need a shortcut. Dr.Robert Cialdini has do his own research and had identified 6 Shortcuts To Persuade People.

5 Shortcuts To Persuade People.

Shortly, there are six shortcuts or rules of thumbs how to guide human’s behaviour, they are:

  • Reciprocity
  • Scarcity
  • Authority
  • Consistency
  • Liking

Let’s discuss in more specific terms one by one

1. Reciprocity

a behaviour where people are likely to think the have to GIVE when they RECEIVED something

for example, imagine you received an invitation to a party from your friend. When you received it, you might think that you need to invite them to the future party you hosting. Or, if your friend does a favour to help you, then you also owe them a favour.

This situation is called social obligation. Based on the context, people are likely to say YES to the person they owe.

Here’s another demonstration of reciprocity. When you go to the restaurants, you might get a snack from the waiter. It consider as a give from them. It usually a cookies, peanut, or mint

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Photo by Bimo Luki on Unsplash

In one recent study shows that giving 1 mint per diner will increase 3–14% of the tips depends on how many they give. Interestingly, if the waiter is walk away from the table, pause. Then turn back to the table, and say “for you nice people, here’s an extra mint”, the tips 23% increase. It’s happened by not WHAT it was given but HOW it was given.

  • Key of the reciprocity’s principle:

Be the first to give personalized and unexpectedly

2. Scarcity

— People want MORE of those things there are LESS of

If you go to a shopping area, such as a mall or e-commerce. You will see some shop displayed that says “LIMITED EDITION” on their items, what comes to your mind?

Yes! You must think that it’s might be the best item at the shop. Imagine how luxurious and rare it is. Since it’s a rare item, people will wanted it more.

It is not enought Just telling the benefits of the products. But tell them the uniqueness of your products or service. Then this way will attract your target customer and increase the sale.

  • Key of the reciprocity’s principle:

Point out your BENEFITS + UNIQUENESS + what they stand to LOSE when they consider your offer

3. Authority

— people will follow the lead of credible knowledgeable experts

Before you try to persuade someone, think about what makes you credible knowledgeable authority to make them believe.

For example, when a physiotherapist displayed a medical diploma certificate on the wall of the consulting room. They will be able to persuade their patients to exercise program they recommend.

Another example in the real estate agency. The receptionist staff has always mentioned the credentials and expertise of their colleagues. When a customers request more information about the property, the receptionist would say :

“Let me connect you to our head sales, Peter, he has over 20 years of experience in selling properties”

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Photo by Christiann Koepke on Unsplash

As the result, this company was able to increase 20% of rising in the number of appointments. And 15% of rising the number signing of contracts.

In the form of persuasion science, that both were ethical and cost less to apply

To get more idea of the importance of authority, watch “Catch Me If You Can” movie starred by Leonardo Dcaprio. It’s a great movie. But I don’t want you to copy what the actor does in the movie. I want you to take the lesson of the power of authority in attempts to persuade people.

4. Consistency

— People usually need to make a commitment to be consistent. Wether to ourself or to other people. Because most of the people like to be consistent with the things that they have said or done.

In one recent study, a health center be able to reduce missed appointments by 18%. This happened because the doctor said the next appointments directly to the patient. Rather that ask the staff to write it down on the appointment card. It shows that the commitment has made between the doctor and the patients. And form the consistency to the patient's appointment.

5. Liking

— people likely to say yes to the person that we like. But sometimes we find it hard to make people like us, especially stranger.

When you meet your client or partner that willing to make a deal with you, you can start off with the small. You can ask them where are they came from, where they work, or their interest. Identify the similarity with you and your client and make them into sort of topics.

A study shows that exchange some personal information before negotiating, however, can increase the number of agreement.



Feby Sumadewi
Feby Sumadewi

Written by Feby Sumadewi

Shares all about self-development and lifestyle💫

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